Argint Polished 925,-nichel gratuit.
Prodsul este valabil in 4 optiuni
Argint 925 - elementul este produs din argint 925.
Ag 925 (placat cu rodium) - Elementele placate cu rodiu isi pastreaza aspectul initial mult mai mult timp. Acest metal nu oxideaza si nu se innegreste in timp. Culoarea este mai inchisa decit cea a argintului 925, semanind destul de mult cu aurul alb.
Argint 925 AU (placat cu aur) - Elementele sint acoperite cu 2 straturi de aur de 24 de karate: unul de baza si altul de finisare. Datorita acestui tip de placare, elementele sint mult mai durabile.
Argint 925 AU (Rose Gold) - Elementele sint acoperite cu 2 straturi de aur de 18 de karate: unul de baza si altul de finisare. Datorita acestui tip de placare, elementele sint mult mai durabile.
Silver 925 - Jewellery finding made in AG 925
free of nickel
925 silver coated with a layer of 18K AU gold (LIGHT YELLOW GOLD)
Element covered with two layers of 18-carat gold: primer and finish coat, which makes gold plating much more durable. Additional, third layer consists of technology based solely on noble metals. The additional layer of galvanic coating has been developed by our specialists and protects the product from oxidation and discoloration, while maintaining hypoallergenic properties. The coating thickness is 0.5μm, of which gold constitutes 0.4 μm..
Silver 925 18K gold plated, AU (ROSE GOLD PLATED)
Element covered with two layers of 18-carat rose gold: primer and finish coat, which makes gold plating much more durable. Layer gold thickness is 0,4 μm.
Silver 925 white rhodium plated, RH (WHITE RHODIUM)
Rhodium plated elements keep their orginal qualities for a very long time. Don't darken, don't tarnish. They are resistant to all kind of discoloration. Visually, they are darken that the silver version and resemble white gold. Layer rhodium thickness is 0,2 μm.
Silver 925 platinum plated, PT (PLATINUM)
Product covered with a platinum layer. Platinum-plated jewellery does not darken or dull. The products are resistant to any discoloration. Visually, they are darker than the silver version and resemble white gold. The thickness of plating we offer is 0.4 μm.
Silver 925 24K gold plated, AU (GOLD PLATED)
Element covered with two layers of 24-carat gold: primer and finish coat, which makes gold plating much more durable. Layer gold thickness is 0,4 μm.
925 silver coated with a layer of 18K AU gold (LIGHT YELLOW GOLD)
Element covered with two layers of 18-carat gold: primer and finish coat, which makes gold plating much more durable. Additional, third layer consists of technology based solely on noble metals. The additional layer of galvanic coating has been developed by our specialists and protects the product from oxidation and discoloration, while maintaining hypoallergenic properties. The coating thickness is 0.5μm, of which gold constitutes 0.4 μm..
Silver 925 18K gold plated, AU (ROSE GOLD PLATED)
Element covered with two layers of 18-carat rose gold: primer and finish coat, which makes gold plating much more durable. Layer gold thickness is 0,4 μm.
Silver 925 white rhodium plated, RH (WHITE RHODIUM)
Rhodium plated elements keep their orginal qualities for a very long time. Don't darken, don't tarnish. They are resistant to all kind of discoloration. Visually, they are darken that the silver version and resemble white gold. Layer rhodium thickness is 0,2 μm.
Silver 925 platinum plated, PT (PLATINUM)
Product covered with a platinum layer. Platinum-plated jewellery does not darken or dull. The products are resistant to any discoloration. Visually, they are darker than the silver version and resemble white gold. The thickness of plating we offer is 0.4 μm.
Silver 925 24K gold plated, AU (GOLD PLATED)
Element covered with two layers of 24-carat gold: primer and finish coat, which makes gold plating much more durable. Layer gold thickness is 0,4 μm.
There is a possibility of ordering a thicker galvanic coating